Sunday, October 3, 2010

PlayStation Move has not sold well

On 15 September, Sony launched its motion controller Move , for the PlayStation 3. It will follow in the footsteps of the Wiimote, and will compete (up to a point) Kinect from your Xbox 360. But Sony did not praised as Microsoft did with Kinect. It gave him a holy aura.

And she's not sure that the launching had to have a sufficient number of games compatible to attract potential buyers. Barely managed to gather any evidence of a second. In part because their strategy is to transform the old games in titles Move. But just who will return to play, to experience the new perspective.

Microsoft has thought of launching its own controller much better. Move And in those cases sold below expectations. Price did not help either. Wand Home for $ 50, but if we must give full package $ 100.


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