Sunday, October 17, 2010

Linux Adventures

The new kernel hell. I mean it's good when you appear as a new Kernel version. I'm starting to think that these are the same as the Windows updates, you gotta do in deh ..unless your name is not PC anymore. So I did and now ... ... ... itaa surprise, I began to go wireless will.

I mean, I'm glad to one and a half after its launch have done linuxuri drivers that are compatible with and function. Little late but it is beautiful. 
Hard part is ... I do not go yet one thousand sound card on linux although I did some updates on there. So, I commend me to display nothing nice with the desktop rotates megabitilor and other wonders of video memory, as long as you do not hear anything. 
At least if I understand something of what Youtubele unfold before my eyes ... but nothing, not a computer makes me so fast, i can still fight him :)

Update: it's wireless on Linux, it's really nice. Do not think of anything else, it's the same Intel 3945ABG adapter, but muult moves better than the windows and goes waaaay further. So there's access point to blame here other donkeys.


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