Sunday, October 3, 2010

About the actual safety of children in a digital world

Currently, more and more children are masters of using the Internet, a world that started out as designed by adults for adults.How about this twist?

Most researchers, professionals and ordinary users say without second thoughts: Yes, let's leave the children on the Internet.They are sure that such things can teach us, it will develop and master the art of virtual communication.All this resulted in the creation of an Internet "child", which is considered "safe" - a dedicated area, similar to a play area specially designed real world, where they can talk to their friends and where they can play together.Similarly, there are sites online versions of books for kids: stories, poems, educational books and even coloring books can be found on the "shelves" virtual library.

I think we should all ask ourselves some basic questions: Is the Internet really safe for children?Parents can trust the developers that guarantees safety web pages they have created for them?Whatever the answers, we must have regard to the threats which threaten both the children and their parents, even when browsing the Internet supposedly secure pages.

Here's a typical situation: let your child play alone in special places that you know him so well.After several hours, crying and no favorite toy back that was stolen by a person devoid of any civic sense.

Attackers may even be fellow child, older children or teenagers bent on bad jokes.Unfortunately, none of the digital world of social networks is less protected from such antisocial behavior.A rude word's "wall", an insulting message on a homepage, these are all minor inconvenience that can easily upset a baby. Is all the worse when an adult person who is offended. Social networks, forums and chats are ideal platforms for pedophiles posing as respectable members of society and whose victims are children.

It is often a child to trust his friends more virtual than real ones.This can result in specific meetings with the "best friends", without parents even knowing about it. This fits like a glove for pedophiles - they try to gain the trust of the child in order to establish a meeting with him without parents or family to know.

Warning!Crazy ideas!

Sometimes, the children of the most wacky ideas regarding what they want to do or buy.No wonder that they ask parents and money to implement them.

Many sites do not give children back from receiving income from banners placed in different social networks.One of the four sites containing child Banner "Ads by Google." Ads can focus on any word on a page, the most popular being those relating to "education" and in this way, criminals can hope that convince children that they need an education grant for non-existent or that can learn, for example, about hypnosis, buying a CD "with only $ 50.

In addition to banners, children's sites may contain advertisements and other spam, for example, a message to a user who just registered on site or at a guess where this is possible.Usually, these messages contain an external link that leads to dangerous or pornographic websites.
Of course, children's forums, social networks and blogs have moderators whose job is to monitor the content.However, this is not a solution - moderators can not check every message.

"Microbes" should be kept apart

Dirt touching an open wound on the finger of a child may cause tetanus.Similarly, the Internet, in general, and sites for children, in particular, can cause "infection" of all kinds.

Daily, our detectors identify the virus about 20 sites for children infected with malware.Some of these sites offer goods to children, but most educational sites or games, more than 100 hits daily.

If your PC is not protected by a security solution, you put your child in danger by giving them permission to surf the Internet.

Warning of the existence of pedophiles and child in the way they operate is the main way to protect them from danger.However, that does not guarantee assistance in the event of malware: abuse may enter the system through any software vulnerabilities.

It is important to keep in mind that any site can be looted by hackers, which means that any security solution installed on your PC must be enabled, even when seemingly innocuous baby visiting resources.


Therefore, we allow children to surf the Internet?Whatever one says, the answer must be yes, because children need to know about how to communicate in the virtual world, as well as the real one.In addition, opportunities to gain knowledge about the world and the amount of information available on the Internet are endless.Preventing child to surf the Internet, adults are not only deprive him of access to the largest information resource in the world.

A fairer question would be: "You should leave them unsupervised children to surf the Internet?" Who should be the first to help their first experience in this world? Parents, of course! We did not allow us to let children wandering alone in a big city, because we are aware of the dangers that threaten them. So we should proceed and the Internet, "one world" even more than the real and whose borders are entirely absent.In general, we are with our children only when their first steps on this land.But the minute we realize that they are doing, we think that our mission is closed.However, this is only the beginning - the children are very naive and gullible, can not properly assess situations and, moreover, are very easily hurt.If I browse online with our children, we put an end to many problems.But we must regard that a boy or a girl of 10-12 years now wants a little privacy during the communication with virtual friends.Therefore, more recently, the burden of our parents, is to help and support them in difficult situations.Children will be glad to know how to surf safely online, how to avoid the dangers, but most importantly, they feel protected knowing that there will be someone ready to answer their questions when they need it.And this support must come from our parents


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