Tuesday, October 19, 2010

yahoo messenger doesn't show what i write?

If you you cannot see text in Instant Messages at all, not even your own after you click Send then read below. Yahoo does have a limit on the number of characters that can be posted at once in an IM, I am not sure what that limit is though.

If you cannot see text in instant messages, not even your own after you click Send or Press Enter, this is an issue that is cropping up more and more. If just a new problem try exiting Yahoo Messenger and then relaunching it. Even try rebooting your computer. If both those fail to solve your problem then try the suggestions below. This is actually an Internet Explorer scripting problem. Yahoo Messenger relies on Internet Explorer to work even if you have a different default browser. So when IE has a problem, Yahoo Messenger can as well.

1) The first thing to check is to make sure you have scripting enabled in Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer is integrated into Yahoo Messenger so things that go wrong with IE can affect Yahoo Messenger. Here is the yahoo help page about that:http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/messeng…

2) In the Start Menu click on Run. Type, without the quotes, “regsvr32 jscript.dll” and then click OK. Next, repeat the process but this time type in the Run box “regsvr32 vbscript.dll” and click OK. Please note, if you are using Windows Vista temporarily disable the User Account Control (UAC). You can easily turn it back on. On the Control Panel (Category View) choose User Accounts and Family Safety, next choose User Accounts, and then click Turn User Account Control on or off.

3) If the above does not fix your problem and you are using Windows XP, you can update your Windows Script to version 5.7. In my experience helping others, this is the step that has helped the most people. Exit all browser windows and chat programs including Yahoo Messenger before installing. Here is link from Microsoft to update that:

Or you can do an internet search for Windows Script 5.7 and choose the Microsoft link.
This version of Window Script is already included with Vista so you would not use that link. There is also a Windows Script 5.7 released for Windows 2000 and you can find that here:

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Microsoft attacks openoffice

The truth is that open source software support is lacking, and when it exists, is made live tests. That's why we never see big fail than links from major software vendors do not release after release and that the bug appeared. And here I think the fix for WordPress, which is an open source software that updates have brought with them the security problems in some major cases.

This time as a software maker Microsoft Money comes and dissolves into a commercial idea free office software, which does not offer anything for people who need office solutions.

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Google Operating System, Chom + Linux = Love

Google gave it one last night saying that working on the operating system will be called - height - Chrome. OS will be based on a Linux kernel, over the coming applications, mainly web.

Linux know how on what programs work and what applications do, or who can very well be limitations to anticipate this on Google's. But Google offers up to a point everything needed for an office-type computer. We have a video player (YouTube), audio (google), messenger (gTalk) + pdf document editing (google docs), mail clients (Gmail), browser (chrome), calendar / ogranizer (Google Calendar), pictures (picasa) May be something?Yes, I think a Twitter client, but it's not a problem to make it faster.

Would there be something in addition to the operating system does Google do it?

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Linux integrates with Microsoft

She started humming that Microsoft wants to be net of interoperabiliteze with Linux. I mean, as Microsoft sees them as Linuxu steal clients, wants to remove software that looks like, or use the Linux platform and be quite good.

That, I think that Microsoft's first move after Uncle Bill Gates, who's to blame for all the world's blue screen, has announced his retirement from the company.

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Linux Adventures

The new kernel hell. I mean it's good when you appear as a new Kernel version. I'm starting to think that these are the same as the Windows updates, you gotta do in deh ..unless your name is not PC anymore. So I did and now ... ... ... itaa surprise, I began to go wireless will.

I mean, I'm glad to one and a half after its launch have done linuxuri drivers that are compatible with and function. Little late but it is beautiful. 
Hard part is ... I do not go yet one thousand sound card on linux although I did some updates on there. So, I commend me to display nothing nice with the desktop rotates megabitilor and other wonders of video memory, as long as you do not hear anything. 
At least if I understand something of what Youtubele unfold before my eyes ... but nothing, not a computer makes me so fast, i can still fight him :)

Update: it's wireless on Linux, it's really nice. Do not think of anything else, it's the same Intel 3945ABG adapter, but muult moves better than the windows and goes waaaay further. So there's access point to blame here other donkeys.

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How to stay away from Internet dangers

The fact that the Internet brings great value to our lives no one can challenge it and the benefits of its use are numerous and not getting into the discussion. But always there is also a reverse side. There is danger everywhere and enjoy the benefits of the Internet must know and how to protect yourself. Security of personal data and privacy is reason enough to learn to avoid capacanele that you are exposed every day.
Those from CyberDefender, security providers for the Internet, have studied the problem and came up with some solutions, namely things that you should NOT do when you surf in the virtual world.
I extracted some of them that we face every day without to give them great importance:
1. How to protect yourself when using a computer other than your own staff.
NO never check the "Keep me sign in" if you use a computer to which others have been denied access.
Be careful with your office computer. You feel like it's yours for the work on it every day, but so well can use and other colleagues in your absence. Can I make a very simple thing, to send their address on all mail you received. They can also see all your history very simple sites accessed.
If you are logged on a website, do not forget when you leave and deloghezi site!
Delete visited sites history of browser you use when you have finished using that computer.
NO never save passwords to access different sites other than your personal computer, because then other users can access your accounts on these sites.
2. How to protect yourself on social networks like Facebook

Use settings to protect personal data (privacy settings). Do not let free access to "friends of friends" to see even birth date or phone number. These data can be used and you can wake up with no money in the account. Many banks, when you contact them by phone or contact for various issues related to your account, just do a simple check to ensure that talk-ask the account holder date of birth.
3. Do not use the same password for multiple accounts
It's hard to remember multiple passwords so that many of us use the same password for all accounts they have on various sites. The problem is that once you are 100% exposed discovered password.
As a preferred solution is to have different passwords for different types of accounts. For example, for email accounts and logging on the computer uses certain passwords and service for all sorts of sites and other social networking passwords.
Some browsers have a function of great help in this case - "master password". Under this unique password you can save various other passwords you use for different accounts. When we look only need to insert in the tool that "your master password'' and there you will find the rest of passwords.
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Star Trek or reality? Computers without a mouse and keyboard and intelligent exhibition games in Tokyo! VIDEO

Farewell mouse, keyboard goodbye! At the museum with you. It seems ... Digital Content motto exhibition, in Tokyo. Here you can find all sorts of gadgets to radically change human-computer interaction. So much that you start to wonder where it ends where the human mind and artificial intelligence begins.
After the mouse and keyboard, the next screen is really threatened. What you need it, when you can project images in front of you? A Franco-Japanese company into reality an idea that you've already seen in the movies. The "Airstrike" allows you to move pictures with bare hands, thanks to a stereo cameras installed on the floor.
"Chambers acts like a man's eyes, watching the movements of the arms. The computer then processes the information submitted by chambers. Thus you can move images on the screen with your hands from a distance, as you do with a mouse," said Yumiko Misaki, director of LM3LABS .
A similar mechanism also uses a virtual game. Camera-projector is mounted above the monitor which serves as a chess board and pieces move according to the movements of hands. Attempt to make players focus on the screen may appear and other fast-moving images.
Here's something that seems to be a musical instrument came directly from the future. It's called "touch table" and is a kind of platform game for multiple users. It is so intelligent, that we recognize without fail on each player.
"I stand seat that is equipped with sensors that transmit electricity. When someone reaches the mass, electric current is passed from his hand on the table and form a closed loop between the player and body weight through the seat," says Professor Masaichi Furuichi.
Both gadgets are, for now, only prototypes. But inventors put their hand in the fire that we see in stores before long.
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